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Our Legacy And Promise

Most antrapologists believe that the use of tools was an important step in the evolution of mankind.

Started in 1976 by Mohammedi Lokhandwala, Goodwill Enterprises (formerly Goodwill Hardware Stores) is co-managed by Mohammedi and his two sons Murtuza and Juzer. Goodwill today is a brand with its own standing in the Tool Rooms of Industries and Hobbyists alike extending to the nooks and corners of the country.

This brand value is rooted in two services. The first is to understand the customer's challenge and consult them on tooling solutions and the second is to provide them with a solution that is value for money. While the former is a result of the time spent fermenting in the business across the countless interactions with customers, the latter is a result of research, networking and handpicking of the best manufacturers around the world who resonate a similar sense for quality. We are thus also very grateful to all the tool connoisseurs around the world that make up (quite literally :-) ) the walls of fame in our stores.


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